Category: Automobile Accidents
What Victims Can Do to Document the Costs of a Car or Truck Accident in Florida
December 29, 2023 | Category: Automobile AccidentsWhen you have a claim after a car or truck accident, there are two things you need to prove (or your Fort Myers accident lawyer needs to prove) in order to recover the financial compensation you deserve. The first is liability. To file a successful claim, you must be able to prove that someone else is liable for causing the crash.
Distracted Driving Does Not Have to Be Illegal to Be Deemed Negligent: Understanding Your Rights
December 22, 2023 | Category: Automobile AccidentsDistracted driving is dangerous. Each year, distracted drivers cause more than 50,000 accidents, and these accidents result in thousands of injuries and hundreds of fatalities. This leaves many victims and families in need of an experienced Fort Myers car accident lawyer.
What You MUST Know Before You Accept a Car Accident Insurance Settlement in Florida
December 15, 2023 | Category: Automobile AccidentsIf you are like most people who have been injured in a car accident, you want to get past the accident as soon as possible. You want to file your claim, get your settlement check, and move on with your life. But, while this is understandable, you need to be careful. If you settle too soon, you could suffer the consequences for years to come.
16 Safety Tips for the December 2023 - January 2024 Holiday Season
December 8, 2023 | Category: Automobile Accidents, DUI Accidents, Pedestrian AccidentsAs everyone is out enjoying holiday festivities, accidents happen. We encourage you to be mindful of the following safety tips.
NHTSA Proposes Seat Belt Warning System Expansion
November 30, 2023 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal InjuryBecause seat belts save lives, a new seat-belt warning system is proposed by NHTSA for both front and back seat passengers.
How We Help Florida Families Affected by Drunk Drivers During the Holidays
November 29, 2023 | Category: Automobile Accidents, DUI AccidentsWhile drunk driving is a concern year-round in Florida, it is especially a concern during the holidays. It is no secret that many people drink to excess at holiday parties—and, unfortunately, some of these people then make the extremely poor decision to get behind the wheel.
What You Need to Know After a Car Accident During the Holiday Season in Florida
November 17, 2023 | Category: Automobile AccidentsThe holiday season is a busy time of year. Between shopping, decorating, and making arrangements with friends or family, there is a lot to do—and you can quickly find yourself with less time to get ready than you originally planned.
What Will Convince Drivers to Put Down Their Cell Phones While Driving?
November 9, 2023 | Category: Automobile AccidentsCell phone use while driving has become addictive for some drivers. Here are 8 tips for putting down cell phones while driving.
Do I Need a Lawyer to File a Claim After an Accident in Florida?
October 25, 2023 | Category: Automobile AccidentsWhen you get injured in a car accident, filing an insurance claim allows you to avoid the financial consequences of someone else’s mistake. To enforce your legal rights and maximize your financial claim, you should hire a Naples car accident lawyer to help you.
How Do You File a Claim for a Rideshare (Uber or Lyft) Accident in Florida?
October 18, 2023 | Category: Automobile AccidentsAs Uber and Lyft continue to grow in popularity, accidents involving rideshare vehicles are becoming much more common. This is especially true in cities like Fort Myers, where getting a ride is often the fastest and easiest way to get where you need to go. If you have been injured in a rideshare accident, it is important to protect yourself, and this starts with hiring a Fort Myers accident lawyer to explain your legal rights.