Category: Automobile Accidents
Aggressive Drivers Targeted by Southwest Florida Authorities
March 29, 2019 | Category: Automobile AccidentsAuthorities are concerned about the increase in aggressive driving in our communities and are targeting aggressive drivers.
Safe Driving Tips for Driving in the Fog
March 25, 2019 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Truck AccidentsDriving in foggy conditions requires extra care. Experts say more than 500 fatalities happen each year because of fog-related accidents. Here are some safety tips we would like to share with you.
Social Media Leads to Crackdown on Drivers Passing Stopped School Buses
March 20, 2019 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Child InjuriesOur children’s safety when riding school buses is every driver’s responsibility. Too many children are injured or killed because drivers do not obey the law and stop when required.
Florida Leads the Nation in Road Rage Incidents
March 11, 2019 | Category: Automobile AccidentsBecause road rage is dangerous, Florida has laws to address the issue of aggressive, careless driving.
Florida Among the Worst States for Highway and Auto Safety
February 22, 2019 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Truck AccidentsWe consider the advocating of safety in preventing motor vehicle accidents an important mission and encourage lawmakers to make safety a priority.
Florida's Seatbelt Usage Rate Highest Measured to Date
February 18, 2019 | Category: Automobile AccidentsAlthough 2017 survey results showed that progress was made in seatbelt usage, the results also point to areas where improvements are still needed.
5 Common Causes of Car Fires
February 8, 2019 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Truck AccidentsAccident vehicle fires are very dangerous and require immediate action to rescue drivers and passengers. When traffic accident fires happen, they can cause residual fires and injuries, even deaths.
How to Seek Compensation in a Hit-and-Run Accident
February 6, 2019 | Category: Automobile AccidentsShould you or a loved one be injured in a hit-and-run accident, there are steps that need to be taken after seeking medical help.
Florida Legislation Filed to Ban Holding Phones While Driving
January 30, 2019 | Category: Automobile AccidentsThe statistics of distracted-driving accidents are alarming. These accidents are preventable.
Any Traffic Fatality or Injury Is One Too Many
January 21, 2019 | Category: Automobile AccidentsPreliminary 2018 data showed a slight decrease in injuries and fatalities on Lee County roads in 2018, but there still were over 4,000 crashes with injuries and 90 with fatalities.