Category: Automobile Accidents
Using Turn Signals Is Not Optional
January 31, 2018 | Category: Automobile AccidentsHow often have you been traveling in your vehicle and have seen drivers change lanes or make turns without using their turn signals? Researchers at the Society of Automotive Engineers say that it is probably 48 percent of the time when changing lanes, and 25 percent of the time when making other turns.
Uninsured Motorist Claims - What Is Your Recourse?
January 26, 2018 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Truck AccidentsAuto insurance is compulsory in Florida, but sometimes accidents happen and the victim is faced with an uninsured motorist. What is the recourse?
How to Stop Distracted Driving?
January 24, 2018 | Category: Automobile AccidentsDespite a decade of new laws and enforcement, and a flurry of public-safety campaigns, surveys have found that drivers still make the dangerous choice to text and drive or use their smartphones in other distracting ways.
First Update on Manufacturers’ Progress on AEB System Installations
January 22, 2018 | Category: Automobile AccidentsThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) announced the first update of manufacturer progress toward equipping every new vehicle with automatic emergency braking, a crash avoidance technology.
2018 Headlight Testing Changes
January 12, 2018 | Category: Automobile AccidentsThe Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) changed its 2018 testing criteria for headlight safety. Now it includes both illumination and passenger-side frontal impacts.
Takata Air Bag Recalls - NHTSA Announces Improved Website Search Functions
January 10, 2018 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Defective ProductsOn November 29, 2017 the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA) announced improvements made to its website to assist consumers in getting the most up-to-date information as quickly as possible using its new search functions.
6 Tips for Avoiding Winter Accidents in Florida
January 8, 2018 | Category: Automobile AccidentsWhen most of the U.S. population thinks of winter, the visions of snow-covered roads, icy bridges, and the potential for accidents come to mind. Obviously, these visions are not of Florida.
Top 6 Resolutions Every Driver Should Make in 2018
January 2, 2018 | Category: Automobile Accidents, DUI Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Truck AccidentsAs we enter 2018, we begin to think about things we want to do differently in the New Year. Usually resolutions center on weight loss goals, breaking bad habits, or financial goals. The list needs to include a resolution to make changes for the better in our driving habits so we have a safer 2018.
Cape Coral 2017 Traffic Fatalities Rose
December 28, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Truck AccidentsThe Cape Coral Police Department released its traffic accident report as of December 4, 2017 showing an increase to date in the number of fatalities in 2017 as compared to 2016. The current number of 2017 fatalities is 15, the highest since 2013 which had 19.
Parking Lot Accidents Can Be Serious
December 15, 2017 | Category: Automobile AccidentsAs Florida's population increases, there are more people in our parking lots. Typically, parking lots at malls and supermarkets are packed, increasing the possibility of accidents. Parking lot crashes often occur at low speeds, but they still can lead to pedestrian and driver injuries.