Category: Automobile Accidents
Rainy Season - Bad Tires Cause Accidents
June 21, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Defective ProductsAs we are now entering Florida's rainy season, having safe tires is even more important.
Florida Senate Passes Ride-Share Company Regulations
June 7, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal InjuryCurrent Florida law allows ride-share companies to function with a vague gap in their insurance plan. This gap does not cover people injured by ride-share drivers unless they are patrons in the vehicle. New ride-share company regulations take effect in Florida July 1, 2017.
Textalyzer Use Challenged In Court
June 5, 2017 | Category: Automobile AccidentsIt may seem that the passage of a textalyzer bill would be accepted. However, privacy advocates have already challenged them in court.
Simple Road Improvements May Not Reduce Fatalities
May 31, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal InjuryThe AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (AAA) urged the Federal administration on May 2, 2017 to "focus on the infrastructure package on deteriorating roadways" as simple road improvements may not be enough to reduce fatalities.
U.S. 41 - Second Most Dangerous Road in the U.S.
May 24, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal Injury, Wrongful DeathFlorida is home to some of the most dangerous roads in the nation. Studies based on national traffic data show seven Florida highways and interstates ranked in the top 10 lists of dangerous roads.
Good Samaritan Law Protection
May 22, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury, Truck AccidentsAn April 22, 2017 Arkansas news story reported on Fox2 Now and carried nationally showed an EMT being a Good Samaritan when a 4-year-old girl fell out of the back of a church bus into the middle of a heavily trafficked road. A dash camera caught the heroic action. This story reminds us of the importance of Good Samaritan laws.
Why Seeking Medical Attention After an Accident Is Important
May 19, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury, Truck AccidentsAs everyone knows, being in a vehicle accident is a traumatic event. When the initial shock wears off, victims are confronted with many issues such as medical problems, repairs, insurance companies, police reports and maybe even traffic court. Common sense may say that seeking medical advice from a physician should be done to get checked out and make sure there are no injuries.
May is Global Youth Safety Month
May 18, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal InjuryMay is Global Youth Traffic Safety Month. The purpose of Global Youth Traffic Safety Month is to bring safety advocates together every May to focus on the prevention of vehicle crashes, the No. 1 cause of death for teens.
Rubbernecking Causes Accidents
May 8, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal Injury, Wrongful DeathRubbernecking does more than cause minor traffic delays; it can actually cause other vehicle accidents. The Dallas News reported in February on the death of a 75-year-old author in Waco, Texas.
Myths & Facts About Drinking Alcoholic Beverages
April 26, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryBeing under the influence of alcoholic beverages is a recipe for disaster. During this Alcohol Awareness Month 2017, we feel it is time to review the myths and facts about alcoholic beverages.