Category: Automobile Accidents
NHTSA Announces New Federal Automated Vehicles Policy
October 17, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal InjuryWith the introduction of automated vehicle technology, everything changes from the vehicle design which does away with the steering wheel and pedals, to actually defining who is driving, a human or software. Developing vehicles which drive without human intervention will prove to be more challenging than originally anticipated.
Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Against the Uninsured
October 13, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal InjuryAccording to the Insurance Research Council (IRC), nearly 1-in-4 drivers on Florida roads are uninsured, making the state the second highest ranking for percentage of uninsured drivers. If you find yourself in a motor vehicle accident in Florida, there is a fairly substantial chance that you’ll be dealing with an uninsured defendant. As such, it is imperative that drivers take steps to shield themselves from the risks of litigating a personal injury claim against an uninsured driver.
Creative Ways Authorities Are Ticketing Texting Drivers
October 10, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal Injury, Truck AccidentsTexting is so dangerous, and we at Spivey Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.A. have seen such devastation to families, that we feel obligated to discuss texting and driving frequently in our blogs in a hope of bringing attention to this senseless act, if only to save one life.
Why Are New Drivers Among The Most Distracted Drivers?
October 5, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal InjuryRegardless of age, distractions are known to increase the overall cognitive load, which can impair a driver’s ability to react to the driving environment. Novice drivers have a lower threshold of impairment because they are concentrating on mastering a new skill.
General Motors Settles Two Defective Ignition Switch Cases
October 3, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal Injury, Unsafe VehiclesCNN Money reported on September 6, 2016 that General Motors (GM) settled two closely watched lawsuits over cars that had faulty ignition switches. The law suits revolved around the scandal in which GM was involved after admitting that the ignition switches should have been recalled in 2004, when they only recalled the ignition switches ten years later in 2014.
Seat Belts Still Not Used By Almost 25 Million Americans
September 28, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal InjuryAccording to DOT statistics 88.5 percent of Americans do fasten their seat belts. Although the figure 11.5 percent not using seat belts may seem small, it translates into almost 25 million people.
Vehicles Often Responsible for Construction Accidents
September 27, 2016 | Category: Automobile AccidentsIn a 2013 report by the Federal Highway Administration, statistics indicated that 67,523 motor vehicle accidents occurred in construction work zones across the country, and Florida ranks third for the most motor vehicle accidents related to construction work zones. The problem is so widespread that the Florida Department of Transportation has developed a Work Zone Safety campaign to encourage drivers to exercise extra caution around construction zones.
8 Tips for Driving When Sudden Wet Weather Occurs
September 26, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury, Truck AccidentsThe Florida Department of Transportation reports that nearly 1.2 million traffic crashes each year are weather related. The vast majority of these crashes happen during rainfall as the result of wet pavement caused by thunderstorms.
Adolescents are More Prone to Drowsy Driving Than You Think
September 20, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal InjuryMany people take sleep for granted. Even when individuals are tired, they figure they can plow forward with a bit of caffeine or fresh air. But the body is affected when it does not get enough sleep. Tired individuals can become drowsy, which makes it more difficult for them to pay attention or react quickly to a change in situation. This is particularly true for adolescents who need more sleep for their developing brains and bodies than adults.
AAA Calls for Drivers to Properly Secure Their Loads
September 19, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal InjuryIn a new study released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, it found that during the past four years more than 200,000 crashes involved debris on U.S. roadways. These road debris accidents resulted in approximately 39,000 injuries and more than 500 deaths between 2011 and 2014.