Category: DUI Accidents
Myths & Facts About Drinking Alcoholic Beverages
April 26, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryBeing under the influence of alcoholic beverages is a recipe for disaster. During this Alcohol Awareness Month 2017, we feel it is time to review the myths and facts about alcoholic beverages.
Questions Frequently Asked About DUI Cases
April 24, 2017 | Category: Automobile Accidents, DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryThere is always a victim in DUI accidents. We all know them or read or hear about them in the media. These are the defenseless men, women and children affected by drugged or drunk drivers. There are many questions victims have when they enter our office, and we are prepared to answer them.
April is Alcohol Awareness Month
April 21, 2017 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryThe NABCA has designated April as Alcohol Awareness month to bring alcohol issues to the forefront.
Bars and Restaurants Can Be Held Liable for Drunk Spring-Breakers
March 20, 2017 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryFlorida is party central for many college spring-breakers, and our hotels, restaurants and bars are making sure their properties are ready to receive the 26.3 million students who will be descending upon our beaches.
Tips for Driving Sober - Do Not Trust Luck on St. Patrick's Day!
March 17, 2017 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryEveryone seems to be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. There are the traditional parades, block parties, the “wearing of the green”, restaurant/bar parties, and even green beer. The color of the beer may be different, but the effects of it are the same – an increase in DUIs.
MADD Recommends Ignition Interlocks for All DUI Offenders
March 6, 2017 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryMADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) issued a press release January 5, 2017, titled , New Study Finds Ignition Interlocks Reduce Fatal Drunk Driving Crashes by 7 Percent. The press release applauded “the new study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.”
Medical Marijuana Still Raising Concerns About Impaired Driving
February 6, 2017 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryOn January 3 Amendment 2, expanding qualifying medical conditions for marijuana became effective in Florida. Using marijuana for medical reasons is now legal in nearly half of the states in the U.S. These laws have raised serious concerns about drug-impaired driving.
Party Safe on Super Bowl Sunday
February 3, 2017 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryMost American football enthusiasts mark the end of the season by watching the Super Bowl with friends and families. Fort Myers DUI Accident Attorneys want to remind everyone to have a plan and to not drink and drive.
Think You Can Judge How Drunk You Are? Think Again
January 30, 2017 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryThink you can judge how drunk you are? Think Again - There are many people who think they can judge how drunk they, or their friends, are. This is not the case.
BAC Testing of DUI Suspects – A U.S. Supreme Court Opinion
January 18, 2017 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryEvery year DUIs cause unnecessary injury and death to non-drinking drivers and passengers. In order to protect the public, states have enacted sobriety tests to get DUI suspects off our roads. However, these tests have become a major problem for the criminal justice system.