Category: DUI Accidents
Drunk Drivers Return to SW Florida Roads
December 19, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) requested that the states supply data to them reflecting how many drunk-driving offenders had prior DUI convictions on their records. Twelve of the fifty states submitted data.
What Is A Host's Responsibility When Having a Holiday Party?
December 2, 2016 | Category: DUI AccidentsThis is the season of shopping and celebrating. Many friends and families gather for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and New Year’s get-togethers. It is a time of joy and peace. Unfortunately, a dramatic increase in DUI offenses and alcohol-related highway deaths has also become a tradition of the season.
Thanksgiving Weekend – More Drunk Drivers than Other Holidays
November 17, 2016 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryWe at Spivey Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.A. wish everyone a very happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday and want to take this time to remind everyone of the dangers of drinking and driving.
Binge Drinking On College Campuses Is On The Rise
October 31, 2016 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryAn NBC News report in September 2016 stated that binge drinking is on the rise in the United States with the percentage of heavy drinkers up by 17 percent from where it was in 2005. One area where binge drinking is prevalent is on college campuses.
Red Ribbon Week Emphasizes Importance of Talking About Drugs
October 21, 2016 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryFor many years, the National Family Partnership (NFP) has encouraged everyone to be drug free during its annual National Red Ribbon Campaign®. This year Red Ribbon Week will be October 23 – 31. This year’s theme is “YOLO, Be Drug Free™. The theme was created by sixth grade students in Claysburg, PA.
Should BUIs Be Treated the Same as DUIs in Florida?
September 12, 2016 | Category: Boating Accidents, DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryAn 18 year-old, Alex Otte, believes the answer to the question of equal treatment of BUIs and DUIs is yes, and she is working hard to make Boating Under the Influence (BUI) have the same fines and punishments as Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in the state of Kentucky.
College Drinking and Driving - There Are Consequences
August 19, 2016 | Category: DUI AccidentsAs parents and guardians say goodbye to their children heading to college, or area residents welcome students back to schools, our thoughts turn to college students, the cars they drive and the risky behaviors that could cause accidents.
Can Kombucha Impair Driving Abilities?
August 8, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, DUI Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury, Truck AccidentsAlthough Kombucha is not sold in liquor stores, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau tested some samples, and they were above the .05 percent alcohol-by-volume threshold for nonalcoholic drinks. The Food and Drug Administration legally requires any drinks that have more than 0.5 percent alcohol content to be labeled alcoholic.
NHTSA Taking Steps to Reduce the Number of Alcohol-Impaired Motorists
August 1, 2016 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryA bipartisan group of senators asked the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) in June 2016 how it is implementing provisions on drunken driving and other safety issues included in the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, which Congress passed in December 2015.
Avoid DUIs This Fourth of July - Make Smart Choices
June 29, 2016 | Category: DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryIndependence Day is a day to celebrate the birth of our great nation with family and friends enjoying cookouts, pool parties and fireworks. Drinking alcohol is sometimes a part of those celebrations. Using good judgment over the long holiday weekend is important so that the celebration does not turn into a tragedy.