Category: DUI Accidents
How You Can Prevent Holiday DUI Accidents
November 20, 2020 | Category: DUI AccidentsThanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season, and we at Spivey Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.A. would like to remind everyone that even though our gatherings may be smaller and limited this year, DUI accidents can still occur.
What Is the Difference Between Impairment and Intoxication?
November 6, 2020 | Category: DUI AccidentsIs there a difference between impairment and intoxication? A Fort Myers DUI accident lawyer says, “Yes, there is a difference, but both are dangerous when a person considers driving after drinking.”
Healing From the Effects of a Drunk Driving Accident: Steps You Can Take to Heal Physically, Emotionally and Financially
November 5, 2020 | Category: DUI AccidentsEvery day, nearly 30 people across the United States die in a drunk-driving accident. That is approximately one preventable death every 50 minutes. In Florida, where drunk drivers cause 25% of car accidents, the death toll is nearly one person per day. Despite the emotional toll, drunk driving also takes a huge financial toll on injured individuals and their families. Our Fort Myers accident lawyer knows that drunk driving accidents cost tens of billions of dollars a year; however, it is...
Child Endangerment When Driving Impaired
October 23, 2020 | Category: DUI AccidentsA Fort Myers car accident lawyer says drivers have a responsibility to protect young passengers. If drivers decide to drive while impaired, they are potentially committing child endangerment.
How Victim Panels Combat the Incidence of DUI Accidents
October 20, 2020 | Category: DUI AccidentsVictim impact panels are designed to hold drunk drivers accountable and help them realize the seriousness of their actions. Also known as a VIP, a victim impact panel is a meeting where a person convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is ordered to listen to DUI victims (typically three or four people) about how the accident has affected their lives or the lives of their loved ones. Many DUI offenders are required to attend a victim impact panel to help ensure that their...
The Consequences of Drinking and Driving
October 16, 2020 | Category: DUI AccidentsA Fort Myers personal injury lawyer has seen the devastation caused to victims of DUI accidents. The State of Florida takes driving under the influence very seriously and has special laws to assist the victims of drunk-driving accidents.
Myths and Facts About Driving While Impaired
September 30, 2020 | Category: DUI AccidentsMothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) says there are many misconceptions and myths about the combination of alcohol, drugs, and driving. Fort Myers Car Accident Attorney Randall Spivey is sharing a few of the MADD myths and facts so that drivers do not feel it is acceptable to drive while impaired.
Florida DUI Accident Victims: Know Your Rights
September 29, 2020 | Category: DUI AccidentsDrunk driving accidents can be major crashes that significantly impact your everyday life. Unfortunately, our Fort Myers accident lawyer knows that collisions that harm numerous individuals occur every day in Florida. Accidents of any kind can be dangerous, but drunk driving accidents are exceptionally serious for various reasons. From having to care for your injuries via hospitalization or constant doctor’s visits, to dealing with the trauma of the accident or having to miss work, drunk...
Fort Myers Personal Injury Attorney Randall L. Spivey Achieves Settlement for Victim of Drunk-Driver Accident
September 24, 2020 | Category: DUI Accidents, Uninsured Motorist ClaimsThrough aggressive and effective representation, Fort Myers Car Accident Attorney Randall Spivey achieved a settlement in favor of our client that fairly compensated our client for his significant injuries as a result of the car accident caused by this reckless drunk driver.
Drugged Driving Is a Growing Problem
September 16, 2020 | Category: DUI AccidentsMothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) reports that drugged driving is a growing problem in the United States. It can come from illegal and legal substances, such as over-the-counter medications.