Category: Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcyclists May Suffer Crippling Spinal Injuries
October 4, 2013 | Category: Motorcycle AccidentsA study conducted by Virginia Tech and Wake Forest University, School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, confirms that motorcyclists who hit fixed objects greatly increase their risk of dying or having very severe injuries such as crippling spinal injuries and fractured vertebrae.
Motorcycle Safety is Key in the Summer
May 24, 2013 | Category: Motorcycle AccidentsFlorida's winding and scenic highways are perfect routes for motorcycle enthusiasts, but auto accident lawyers in Fort Myers say that the increasing number of collisions involving motorcycles highlights the need for safety. More than 4,000 people die in motorcycle accidents every year. Recent studies have shown that the blame for these accidents is distributed among both motorcyclists and automobile drivers alike.
How to Stay Safe on Motorcycles
April 26, 2013 | Category: Motorcycle AccidentsIt is particularly important for motorcyclists to do everything they can to stay safe.
Study: Motorcycle Cameras to Improve Safety Training
January 30, 2013 | Category: Motorcycle Accidents100 motorcyclists nationwide are participating in a naturalistic motorcycle riding study by equipping their motorcycles with color cameras and other monitoring instrumentation. The study will be used by MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) to update their training programs.
Drowsy Drivers - 1 in 24 Admit Falling Asleep While Driving
January 20, 2013 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Motorcycle AccidentsThe CDC reports 1 in 24 surveyed have admitted to falling asleep while driving. 100,000 crashes each year are caused by fatigued drivers. Avoid driving while drowsy by knowing the risk factors and signs of driving while fatigued.
Driving Near 18-Wheelers?
January 11, 2013 | Category: Motorcycle AccidentsSharing the road with "18-wheelers" isn't like sharing the road with anyone else. Drivers must take precautions.
Medications and Supplements Can Cause Car, Motorcycle and Truck Accidents
January 9, 2013 | Category: Motorcycle Accidents, Truck AccidentsDrivers need to be careful when driving while taking medications and/or supplements. The side-effects can cause car, motorcycle, and truck accidents.
In Case of Emergency - Let First Responders Know Your Contact Information - ICE Your Phone™
January 3, 2013 | Category: DUI Accidents, Motorcycle AccidentsLet first responders know who to contact in case of an automobile accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, DUI accident or any accident. Use ICEYourPhone. It could be a "life saver".
Two Motorcycle Deaths in Lee County, Florida in Less Than Two Weeks
November 25, 2012 | Category: Motorcycle AccidentsDriving around motorcycles can be a challenge. Many accidents involving motorcycles and other vehicles happen at intersections when vehicles are making left turns. According to - "Vehicles turning in front of motorcycles is the number one cause of fatal accidents for motorcycle riders."
"Ready-Set-Ride" - Motorcycle Safety Tips
September 5, 2012 | Category: Motorcycle AccidentsMotorcyclists regardless of whether they're first-time or seasoned riders should review the Motorcycle Safety Foundation tips for motorcyclists "Ready-Set-Ride" frequently.