Category: Personal Injury
On-The-Job Accidents & Personal Injury Cases
April 11, 2018 | Category: Construction Accidents, Personal Injury, Slip and Fall Accidents, Wrongful DeathAccording to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), more than 5,000 workers are killed on the job annually; that translates into about 99 per week or more than 14 deaths every day.
Improperly Secured Retail Fixtures Prove Deadly
April 9, 2018 | Category: Personal InjuryWhen shopping for clothing, shoes, toys, electronics and household goods, shoppers do not think they are in danger. However, even though many shopping-related accidents may be minor, there are more serious injuries including broken bones, sprains, head trauma, neck injury, spinal injury and even death.
Dealing With Hearsay Evidence in Your Personal Injury Case
April 5, 2018 | Category: Personal InjuryPersonal injury litigation — in Florida and throughout the country — often turns on evidentiary issues. For example, a defendant may attempt to argue that they did not actually cause your injuries, but if the defendant has no evidence to support their assertions, they generally cannot succeed.
Evidence Must Be Relevant and Not Unfairly Prejudicial
April 3, 2018 | Category: Personal InjuryEvidence lies at the core of all personal injury lawsuits in Florida and elsewhere. If you’re bringing an action against the defendant for having caused your injuries, you’ll need sufficient evidence to support your various injury claims. Likewise, the defendant will attempt to avoid liability by introducing evidence that disproves or weakens your claims.
Are Your Children’s Car Seats Keeping Them Safe?
February 26, 2018 | Category: Child Injuries, Personal InjuryMotor vehicles can be dangerous places for children, and children spend a lot of time in and around them. Statistics show that every year, vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in children who are 1 to 13 years old.
Can I File A Sexual Assault Personal Injury Lawsuit?
February 6, 2018 | Category: Personal InjuryThe “Me Too”, “Times Up” movements and news media coverage of well-known people from all walks of life being accused of sexual assault have brought to light a multitude of egregious acts.
You Can Recover Damages If The Defendant Won the Criminal Case
January 30, 2018 | Category: Personal InjuryIf you have been injured by a defendant who has also been charged with a criminal violation of law, then Florida law may still entitle you to recover damages as compensation for your injuries, even if the defendant wins their criminal case.
How Injury Litigation Benefits You — The Basics
January 18, 2018 | Category: Personal InjuryIf you have been injured in an accident that was caused by the negligent, reckless or intentional actions of another, you may be able to recover damages pursuant to Florida law. Personal injury litigation is a process by which one can secure compensation in such scenarios. For example, if you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, then suing the defendant may give you access to damages that will compensate you for losses that include medical expenses and quality of life deterioration,...
What is the Purpose of an Expert Witness?
December 12, 2017 | Category: Personal InjuryExpert witnesses are a costly but necessary resource in most injury litigation, but those who are unfamiliar with the process of litigation may not recognize the value that an expert witness brings to a case. First, however, it’s important to understand what differentiates an expert witness from factual witnesses.
Common Defenses to a Premises Liability Lawsuit
December 5, 2017 | Category: Personal Injury, Slip and Fall AccidentsIf you have been injured in a slip and fall accident or some other accident which implicates the possessor or owner of a particular parcel of property, then Florida law may entitle you to compensation for your injuries pursuant to premises liability principles.