Category: Personal Injury
Theme and Water Parks May Require More Oversight
September 14, 2016 | Category: Child Injuries, Personal InjuryThere has been an increase in the number of theme park ride-related accidents over the past month. This increase has renewed the calls for better safety regulations. Experts are urging the government to provide more oversight for amusement and water parks in the country.
What Happens When Someone in a Rental Car Hits You?
September 13, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Personal InjuryAnother car comes out of nowhere and hits you. You pull to the side of the road, give yourself a once over for injures and then get out to inspect the damage. As you take in your surroundings and feel your aches and pains, you notice the other car has a rental company license plate frame. It turns out you have been hit by an out-of-state driver in a rental vehicle.
Should BUIs Be Treated the Same as DUIs in Florida?
September 12, 2016 | Category: Boating Accidents, DUI Accidents, Personal InjuryAn 18 year-old, Alex Otte, believes the answer to the question of equal treatment of BUIs and DUIs is yes, and she is working hard to make Boating Under the Influence (BUI) have the same fines and punishments as Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in the state of Kentucky.
Vehicle Crashes - The Second Largest Cause of Brain Injuries
September 9, 2016 | Category: Brain Injuries, Personal InjuryAccording to the Brain and Spinal Cord Organization, 280,000 people in the United States receive motor vehicle induced traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) every year. This makes vehicle crashes the second largest cause of brain injuries.
What Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?
September 8, 2016 | Category: Personal InjuryIf you were hurt in an accident caused by someone else, your injuries make you eligible for a settlement or award. You deserve some amount of recovery. At the very least, you need to be reimbursed for your medical expenses and any property damage that occurred. But when you look at the news, you hear about million and multi-million dollar settlements. It makes you wonder: What is my personal injury claim worth? If you are hurt and seeking to recover, contact the Randall Spivey and his team of...
National Safety Council (NSC) Calls for Appropriate Child Passenger Restraints
September 7, 2016 | Category: Child Injuries, Personal InjuryIn a press release on August 12, 2016, the NSC called for, “uniform child passenger safety practices across multiple modes of transportation, including school buses, airplanes and personal vehicles.
How Long Will It Take To Stop Your Vehicle?
September 2, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury, Truck AccidentsIn our busy world there never seems to be enough time to do anything let alone arrive at a specific place at a specific time. Because of this when traveling on our interstate highways and I-75 in particular, drivers who leave enough room between their vehicles and the vehicle in front of them are often confronted with the situation of another vehicle taking up that “cushion space.”
Drinking & Boating Can Lead to Injuries
September 1, 2016 | Category: Boating Accidents, Personal InjuryWhether you live on the Florida coast or near a lake, owning or having access to a speed boat, pontoon or a personal watercraft is nothing out of the ordinary. But because being out on the lake or ocean is so popular, Florida experiences a high number of boating-related injuries and fatalities.
Labor Day Weekend - Keep It Safe!
September 1, 2016 | Category: Automobile Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury, Truck AccidentsThousands of people are anticipated to participate in one last summer fling as Labor Day weekend marks the unofficial end of summer. According to AAA (American Automobile Association) in 2015, nationwide, 35 million people traveled at least 50 miles from home over the Labor Day holiday weekend. 30.4 million traveled in their motor vehicles.
Pool Ownership Comes With Responsibility
August 31, 2016 | Category: Personal Injury, Swimming AccidentsNothing may be more refreshing than jumping into a pool for Floridians. However, pools are a big responsibility for homeowners and can be deadly for a child.