Reducing Collisions by Adding Roundabouts
January 15, 2015 | Category: Automobile Accidents | ShareThe U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration recently released information that suggests Florida roads could be made considerably safer by adding roundabouts. Of course, anything that can help drivers and passengers stay safe on the road is a welcomed idea, particularly since motor vehicle accidents take thousands of lives every year. Ft. Myers personal injury attorneys like Randall Spivey know that auto accidents can leave individuals with pain and suffering, huge medical bills and lost income. So how can roundabouts help?
What is a Roundabout?
Roundabouts are circular intersections that often replace certain traffic control devices, like traffic signals. In essence, roundabout intersections use geometry to create a safer environment for drivers to change directions. But how do they work? As a vehicle approaches a roundabout, the driver is supposed to yield to vehicles already in the circular intersection. The middle of the roundabout typically has an island that aids in lowering potential crashes.
What Makes Roundabouts Safer Than Other Types of Intersections?
The Administration notes that adding roundabouts could reduce the number of serious collisions in certain areas, stating that they are much safer than other types of traffic control mechanisms. According to the agency, statistics show approximately one-third of fatal accidents that take place at intersections happen at signaled intersections. Such accidents kill more than 2,000 people yearly. Roundabouts are safer, however, because their actual shape helps eliminate crossing conflicts that are ever-present at standard intersections. The agency has determined that changing signaled intersections to roundabouts can lead to a drop in serious crashes of approximately 78 percent.
Intersection crashes can be especially serious due to the number of automobiles that may be involved in the collision. Still, personal injury attorneys often advise their clients if they are in an accident involving a driver who may have acted negligently in causing the collision, they may be entitled to compensation for their injuries.
What Should You Do if You Are in an Accident?
Randall Spivey and his team of injury lawyers in Fort Myers want you to know what to do in the event of a collision. Regardless of whether the accident occurred in a standard intersection or some other portion of roadway, it is important for accident victims to seek medical attention and call 911, even if you believe your damages and injuries are not serious. Personal safety should always be of utmost importance, so make certain that you, as well as your passengers, are okay, and if there is any doubt, call for help.
Further, if your automobile is in a dangerous place, you should attempt to move it off the roadway, if at all possible. Wait for law enforcement to arrive at the scene and provide them with succinct answers to their questions. Do not volunteer additional details and definitely do not speak with others about the particulars of the accident. If you are not injured badly or incapacitated, you might also want to consider contacting an attorney shortly after the accident because when dealing with accident claims, time is of the essence.
If you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a collision at an intersection or elsewhere on a roadway, contact the personal injury lawyers at the Spivey Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.A. today.