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Windshield Devices: Are They Doing More Harm Than Good?

August 20, 2015 | Category: Defective Products | Share

In recent years, consumers have been introduced to a variety of gadgets and gizmos, some of which are intended to simplify our lives -- or at the very least add a little excitement to our day. The auto industry, in particular, has come up with a number of innovations geared toward help drivers stay as safe as possible on America’s roadways.

But are such devices really helpful or do they do more harm than good? A recent New York Times article looks at both sides of the debate regarding windshield devices. Automakers and traffic safety advocates are well aware of the issues surrounding distracted driving. Most of them also know that there are a large number of drivers who simply are not willing to miss a call or text that may come in while they’re on the road. So, what can be done to alleviate the problem?

Windshield Technology
Navdy, a California-based start-up company, has come up with a device that is supposed to curb distracted driving. More specifically, the company’s technology projects driving information and data onto a screen that appears in the driver’s line of sight.

The New York Times article mentioned an example of a man who received a call while he was driving around Los Angeles. The man had a screen mounted to the vehicle’s dashboard and when the phone rang, an image of his mother popped up and appeared to be floating above the edge of the vehicle.

Sounds very futuristic, right? However, such technology is set to enter the market in upcoming months. In fact, some automakers have been working on creating “smart” automobiles that will permit drivers to answer and end calls, or even listen and respond to text, all with the simple wave of a hand or the use of certain voice commands.

Some safety advocates take issue with some of these new creations, noting that while these companies may have good intentions, their efforts might backfire and make it even easier for drivers to become distracted.

Safety Should Always Be a Top Priority
Navdy’s technology is still in its infancy; however, there’s no doubt that they will not be alone in introducing such in-auto gadgetry. Display devices have been the topic of debate for a while now and there have been valid arguments on both sides.

On one hand, some of the creators of such devices have the “drivers are going to do it anyway” mentality, so we should minimize the risk as much as possible by not having to make a driver look down to answer the phone or pick it up to text.

On the other side, some of those who work in traffic safety believe that the devices simply attempt to minimize the dangers of multitasking by promoting a false idea that they can drive safely and attend to their social communications simultaneously, which in essence encourages very risky behavior.

Ft. Myers personal injury attorneys like Randall Spivey have seen first-hand the after-effects of accidents involving distracted drivers. Each year, we hear of horrible stories involving fatalities and severe injuries that were caused by distracted driving activities.

Mr. Spivey and his team want you and your loved ones to stay safe on Florida roadways. If you have been injured by a driver who may have been distracted at the time of the incident, contact the Spivey Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.A. as soon as possible.

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